FFA Lasagna Dinner and Dessert Auction
Come join the FFA in the Mahomet Seymour High School Commons for the annual Lasagna Dinner and Dessert Auction. This event will take place March 3, 2019 from 4:30-6:30. We will have yummy homemade desserts for auction after dinner is served. TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED FROM ANY FFA MEMBER OR BY CONTACTING JENNIFER WHERLEY AT jwherley@ms.k12.il.us

Junior High Ag
Come to Junior High Ag monthly in room C10. Everyone is welcome to participate. No ag experience required. Enjoy involvement in some CDE's, learn about different aspects of Ag, and hang out with MSHS FFA members.
10/17- Dairy Foods (competition 11/15)
11/13- Floral Arranging
1/16- Drones in Ag
2/13- All about FFA
3/27- Ag around the World
4/24- Plant Science
5/15- Next year in FFA and Community Service Project
Contact Jennifer Wherley with questions or for more information.